The Majestic Quran
T 138 They say, “These cattle and crops are set aside. No one may eat them without our authorisation.” Some cattle are forbidden to ride; and on other cattle they do not invoke God’s name when slaughtering , falsely attributing these rules to Him. He will deal appropriately with whatever lies they invented. S 139 They say, “What is in the wombs of these cattle are exclusively for our men and forbidden for our wives. But, if it is stillborn, then they all share in it.” He will reward them appropriately for their false description of Him . He is Wise, Knowing. 140 Those who kill their children foolishly without knowledge, and who forbid what God has provided them, falsely attributing it to God, they have already lost: they have gone astray; they aren’t guided. 141 He grows gardens, both with and without trellises , 86 date palms, plants of different flavours, olives and pomegranates, some alike and others different. Eat of their fruits when they are ripe, give the needy their due on harvest day, and do not squander; He dislikes spendthrifts. F 142 Some cattle are for carrying loads and some are for food; so eat what God has provided you and don’t follow in Satan’s footsteps, for he is your open enemy. 143 There are eight animals in pairs: two sheep and two goats. Say: “Is it the two males that He has forbidden, or the two females; or is it perhaps what lies within the wombs of the two females? Tell me based on some sound knowledge, which is it if you are telling the truth.” 144 Likewise, there are two camels and two oxen. Say: “Is it the two males that He has forbidden, or the two females; or is it perhaps what lies within the wombs of the two females? Or were you even present when God ordered you to do this? Who is more wrong than the one who ignorantly invents lies about God to mislead people? God does not guide the wrongdoers.” 145 Say: “I find nothing in what has been revealed to me that people are forbidden to eat except carrion, blood products, pork, which is impure, or else meat from animals slaughtered in the name of anything other than God.” However, if anyone is compelled, not because he desires it or wishes to disobey God , then your Lord is Forgiving, Kind. 146 We forbade the Jews from eating animals with claws; and the fat of oxen and