The Majestic Quran

S H 33 Say: “My Lord has forbidden acts of indecency, whether openly or in secret; likewise any sin; unlawful rebellion; associating with God anything for which He has revealed no authority ; 92 and saying things that you have no knowledge about God.” 34 Every community has an allotted term, and when their allotted term comes to an end , they can neither delay it by a single hour, nor can they hasten it. 35 Children of Adam, whenever messengers from among yourselves come to teach you My scripture; whoever is mindful and reforms himself will have nothing to fear nor grieve. 36 However , those who deny Our signs and consider those signs to be beneath them, such people shall be the companions of the Fire, living there forever. E 37 Who can be more wicked than the one who invents lies about God, or denies His signs? Such people will receive their portion of enjoyment decreed in the Book, up until Our angelic messengers come to take their souls, saying to them, “Where are those you worshipped beside God?” They will say, “They have deserted us and testified against themselves that they were disbelievers.” 38 He will say, “Enter the Fire along with the communities of jinn and humans who’ve passed away.” Whenever a community enters the Fire , it will curse its fellow community , up until each of them has followed all the others into it, and the last of them will say about the first of them, “Our Lord, here are those who misled us, so double their punishment in the Fire.” He will say, “Each of you will have double the punishment , though you don’t know it .” 39 Then the first to enter will say to the last, “You were no better than us, so taste the punishment for what you earned.” T H 40 Those who deny Our signs and consider them beneath their dignity, the gates of Heaven will not open for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel can pass through the eye of a needle ; 93 that is how We punish sinners. 41 They shall have a bed of Hell fire , and there will be a covering of fire above them; that is how We punish wrongdoers. T G W