The Majestic Quran
Prophet, who believes in God and His words, and follow him so that you might be guided.” T I 159 Among Moses’ people is a community that guides others with the truth and practises justice. 160 We divided the Israelites into twelve tribes, each a community, and when his people asked Moses for water We told him: “Strike the rock with your shepherd’s staff.” Twelve springs gushed out, and the people of each tribe knew their drinking place. We made the clouds shade them and sent them manna and quails, saying, “Eat of the wholesome things We provided you.” The Israelites never harmed Us, but they harmed themselves. 161 For example , when they were told: “Settle down in this town and eat of its fruits from wherever you please, and when you enter the gates, prostrate yourselves and say: ‘ Forgive us our sins ,’ so that We forgive your wrongs, and We will increase the reward of the righteous ones .” 162 The wrongdoers among them altered the phrase to something else than what they were told to say , so We sent punishment from Heaven because of the wrong they did. T S 163 Ask them, Messenger , about the town by the sea; they broke the law of Sabbath. On the Sabbath, the fish would appear on the surface of the sea , but not on any other days when they were fishing . We tested them because they sinned. 164 Another group from the Israelites said, “Why are you preaching to people, who God will destroy or punish?” They said, “It is a plea for clemency from your Lord , 104 and in the hope that they might be mindful of God .” 165 Once they forgot all they had been reminded of, We punished them severely because of their sinfulness and saved those who warned them against doing evil. 166 When they disrespectfully continued doing what they were forbidden, We said, “Become like apes, despised! ” 105 T I 167 Remember when your Lord declared: “Let there arise against the wrongdoers, people who will inflict the terrible torment on them from now until Judgement Day.” Your Lord is quick to punish, but He is also Forgiving, Kind. 168 And so it was that We dispersed the Israelites across the face of the Earth as separate communities – some are righteous and