The Majestic Quran

64 Prophet, God is sufficient for you and who follow you into battle from among the believers. 65 Prophet, urge the believers to fight in His way . It may be that your twenty steadfast men can defeat a force of two hundred, and a hundred of you can defeat a thousand of the disbelievers, because they are people who don’t understand. 66 But for now God has lightened your load, knowing that there is some weakness in you. So it may be that a hundred steadfast men amongst you can defeat two hundred, and that a thousand of you can defeat two thousand with God’s help; and rest assured , God is with the steadfast. F G ’ ’ 67 It is not fitting for a prophet to take captives until he has won on the battle field. Believers, you want what this world offers , 9 but God desires the Hereafter for you . God is Almighty, Wise. 68 Had it not been for a decree issued in advance from God, you would have been mightily punished for the action that you took. 69 So enjoy of your spoils of war, the lawful and healthy, and be ever mindful of God. God is Forgiving, Kind. 70 Prophet, tell the captives you are holding: “If God finds any good in your hearts, He will give you better than what has been taken from you and will forgive you. God is Forgiving, Kind.” 71 If they act treacherously towards you, they have done so previously with God, yet He has given you control over them. God is the Knower, the Wise. T P r 72 The believers who emigrated and struggled with their wealth and lives in God’s way, and those who offered them refuge and support, they are each other’s protectors. Those who believed but didn’t emigrate, you are not responsible for them until they emigrate. If they should seek your help on religious grounds, then you must help them except against a people with whom you have a treaty. God sees what you do. 73 The disbelievers protect each other. If you don’t do likewise, there will be a lot of persecution and violence in the land. 74 The believers who emigrated and struggled in God’s way, and those who offered them refuge and support in Madinah are the true believers; they shall have forgiveness and a generous provision. 75 And those later believers who emigrated and struggled with you in God’s way, they are one with you. However, blood relationships give them even greater rights over each other in God’s Book. God knows everything.