The Majestic Quran

W A 113 It is not fitting for the Prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for idolaters, even if they are close relatives, after it has been made clear to them that they are people of the Blazing Fire. 114 Abraham sought forgiveness for his fathe r 33 because of a promise he made to him. However, after it became clear to Abraham he was God’s enemy, he immediately dissociated himself from his father. Abraham was soft- hearted and gentle. 115 God would not let people go astray after having guided them, not until He has made it absolutely clear to them what they should be mindful of. God knows all things. 116 Control of the Heavens and Earth belongs to God. He gives life, and He takes it away. You have no protector or helper other than God. G 117 God has turned in kindness to the Prophet, the Migrants and the Helpers who stood by him at that time of extreme hardship, 34 after the hearts of a group of them had wavered. Then He forgave them. He was Compassionate and Kind to them. 118 As for the three who stayed behind , 35 the Earth seemed to close in on them, despite its vastness, their own souls strangled them, and they realised that the only refuge from God lay in turning to Him, it was then God forgave them because they repented. God is acceptor of repentance, the Kind. N 119 Believers, fear God and stand firmly with the truthful. 120 It was not fitting for the people of Madinah and the surrounding Bedouins to stay behind instead of marching with God’s Messenger, nor was it fitting to prefer their lives over his; that is because whatever thirst, suffering or hunger they endure in God’s way, whatever path they tread to the fury of the disbelievers, and whatever advantage they gain over an enemy, it is recorded for them as a good deed. God doesn’t waste the reward of the righteous. 121 Whatever amount they spend, large or small, and whatever valley they cross, it’s all written down for them, God will reward them for the finest things they did. T 122 It isn’t right all the believers mobilise for fighting ; rather a group from each community should stay behind and apply themselves to thorough