The Majestic Quran
understanding of the religion to warn their people on their return to them, so that they too might be mindful. D 123 Believers, fight the disbelievers who are nearest to you . 36 Let them find you tough. Know God is with the pious. 124 Whenever a chapter is revealed, some ask: “Whose faith has been increased by this?” Those who believe, their faith has certainly increased, and they rejoice. 125 But those whose hearts are diseased become more and more sick, and will die disbelievers. 126 Don’t they realise once or twice a year they are tested, but they don’t repent or pay attention. 127 Whenever a chapter is revealed, they look at each other, saying, “Is anyone watching you?” Then they slip away. God has turned their hearts away from truth because they are people who simply do not understand. T M r 128 A noble Messenger has come to you from among yourselves. He’s grieved by your hardships and cares about your well-being, for the believers he is compassionate and kind. 129 So if they choose to turn away, tell them: “God is sufficient for me, there is no god but Him. I have put my trust in Him, the Lord of the mighty throne.” 1 Either the Makkans’ army or their trade caravan. 2 At the start of the Battle, the Messenger r picked up a handful of sand and threw it in the direction of the Makkan army and prayed for their defeat. The lessons for believers is not to be proud of winning, victory comes from God. 3 God comes between a person’s desires, attitude and behaviour; this shows God can turn people away from what their desires urge them to do. It is God-consciousness that can stop them from being misled by evil desires. The Messenger r prayed “O turner of hearts, keep me steadfast on your religion.” 4 Fitnah can mean: a temptation, seduction, trial, test, confusion, dissension, persecution, oppression, sedition, or civil war. 5 Furqan means, “criterion” the ability to differentiate between truth and falsehood. 6 As in Chapter al-Baqarah (2: 193), the words of this verse do not incite Muslims to impose their religion on others, but urges them to fight to bring an end to all persecution, including forced conversions. 7 The phrase, yawm al-furqan , is an apt description for the Battle of Badr; the sincerity of those who called themselves Muslims was put to the test, and truth and falsehood were clearly distinguished. 8 This verse provides an answer to the question at the very start of the chapter. 9 The purpose of inter-tribal fighting before Islam was mostly to take hostages for ransom rather than to kill the enemy.