The Majestic Quran

and he will give the needy their due. So, the Messenger r prayed and his wealth grew enormously. Unfortunately, he was miserly and refused to give in charity. (Al Sabuni) 27 The number seventy here is like “umpteen” in English. 28 A mount here refers to an animal for transportation. 29 Messengers blessing means His prayers and seeking forgiveness for you. 30 Literally translated as: “enter you in his kindness.” 31 Literally, “until their hearts are cut to shreds,” a metaphor for regret and repentance. 32 Guardians of God’s boundaries. 33 According to some commentators, “his father” refers here metaphorically to Abraham’s uncle, Azar, and not his biological father. “His father’s name was Tharah, and the Prophet r once said, ‘I have been raised among the best in the children of Adam;’ it’s therefore impossible that any of the ancestors of the Prophet were disbelievers.” (Mazhari) 34 Literally, “hour of distress or difficulty.” 35 The phrase “the three who delayed,” refers to companions who admitted their mistake of staying behind: Ka‘b ibn Malik, Marrah ibn al-Rabi, Hilal ibn Umayyah. 36 Those who fight you, since the Quran only allows war in self-defence