The Majestic Quran

The human habit of turning to God in time of hardship is cited as a proof of “the inbuilt faith in God.” At times of need humans, believers or disbelievers, instinctively tend to turn to God, but as soon as the hardship is removed they return to their old ways. The Quran warns against this ungrateful attitude: “People, your disrespect weighs against you” (23). What is the reality of idols? They are “imagined gods,” (30) and they are totally helpless and powerless of doing anything: “Say: Can any of your idols begin the creation and then restore it?” (34). If they can’t then why don’t they turn to God? The stories of prophets Noah, Moses and Jonah are given as examples of past nations that refused to listen to their prophets. Each of them perished, so “listen or else” the Makkans are warned. Even the most arrogant and stubborn disbeliever, like the Pharaoh, eventually submitted when drowning. However, his repentance was not accepted as it was too late (90). The story of the titular character; Jonah is given as an example of people who repented. The short passage from 61 to 63 vividly describes the qualities of God’s friends: people with unshakable faith, righteous deeds, and mindful of their duties towards God. The chapter ends with a persuasive instruction: religion is a serious commitment to God: “I was ordered to be a believer and told, ‘Keep your face directed towards the true religion, in tune with your nature, and don’t be an idolater’” (104–105). In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. 1 Alif Lam Ra’. T Q These are the verses of the Book full of wisdom. 2 Are people surprised We revealed to one of their men: “Warn the people, and give good news to the