The Majestic Quran
lifespan comes to an end , they can neither postpone nor advance it by a single hour.” 50 Say: “Have you considered, if His torment were to come to you, at night or day, what part of it the sinners would want to hasten? 51 Is it then you would believe in it once it has happened, only to be told , ‘What? Now’, when before you wanted to hasten it?” 52 The wrongdoers will be told, “Taste the everlasting torment. This is the only fitting reward for what you did.” T ’ J D 53 They question you, “Is it really true?” Say: “Yes, by My Lord, it is true, and you are unable to stop it .” 54 If every soul that sinned possessed all that is on Earth, it would offer it as a ransom. They will scarcely conceal their regret when they see the punishment, and justice will be done so that none of them is wronged. 55 Doesn’t everything in the Heavens and the Earth belong to God? Isn’t God’s promise true? Most don’t know. 56 He gives life and death, finally you will return to Him. T Q 57 People, your Lord’s teachings have come to you; they’re a healing balm for the diseases of the heart, guidance and beneficial teachings for the believers. 58 Say: “It’s God’s grace and kindness, so celebrate, it’s better than all the wealth they accumulate.” 59 Say: “Have you ever thought about the provision that God has sent down for you, and which you declare either lawful or unlawful?” Say: “Has God given you permission to do so , or are you inventing lies about God?” 60 What do those who invent lies about God think will happen on Judgement Day? God is Gracious towards people, yet most of them are ungrateful. A G 61 Whatever matter you are dealing with, Messenger, and whatever part of the Quran you are reciting; and whatever you are doing, We are witnessing what you are doing. Not an atom’s weight on Earth or in the Heavens is hidden from your Lord; nothing bigger or smaller exists that isn’t recorded in a clear Book. 62 Beware, God’s friends have no fear, nor do they grieve. 63 They believe and are mindful of God , 64 for them are glad tidings in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. There is no change to God’s rulings;