The Majestic Quran

reward of the righteous. 116 If only there had been more righteous people in the previous generations who prevented corruption in the land! We saved few of them whilst the wrongdoers enjoyed the luxuries of life and continued sinning. 117 Your Lord would never destroy a town unjustly whilst its citizens were acting righteously. R D 118 If your Lord wanted, He could have made people a single nation, but that’s not the case so they continue to differ; 119 except anyone who is treated kindly by God: that’s why He created them. Your Lord’s decree: “I shall fill up Hell with jinn and humans,” is fulfilled. 120 We tell you the stories of the messengers to make your heart strong, and what has come to you in this account is the truth, teachings and a reminder for the believers. 121 Tell those who don’t believe: “Do as you see fit, and we will do likewise . 122 Wait and see , for we too are waiting.” 123 God knows the secrets of the Heaven and the Earth, and all that exists will be returned to Him; so worship Him and put your trust in Him. Your Lord isn’t unaware of what you do.