The Majestic Quran

God’s punishment, or being taken all of a sudden and unaware by the Final Hour? 108 Say: “This is the path that I am on: I call others to God. I and those who follow me base our beliefs on clear evidence. Glory be to God! I am no associator of partners with God.” 109 Even before you, Messenger, the men who We sent, and to who We revealed Our signs to, were townsfolk. Have the disbelievers not travelled about the land and seen how the end came to those who rejected God’s signs before them? The home in the Hereafter is much better for the mindful. Doesn’t any one of you understand? 110 When the messengers lost hope in outward signs of success, and the disbelievers believed they were lied to, then Our help came to them . 19 Whoever We wanted was saved, but nothing can turn away Our punishment from the guilty. 111 In the story of Joseph and his brothers, there is a lesson for those who understand. It isn’t a made-up account, but confirmation of what happened in the past, it explains all things, a guidance that is useful for those who believe.