The Majestic Quran

darkens, full of fuming anger; 59 he hides from the community because of the bad news he received, feeling undecided – will he keep her with shame or bury her in the dust? How immorally they judge! 60 Those who don’t believe in the Hereafter set a bad example, and God the exalted sets a good example. He is Almighty, Wise. G 61 If God were to punish people right away for their wrongs, then there wouldn’t be a single creature left. But He delays it until the fixed term which can’t be delayed nor brought forward. 62 They allocate to God what they dislike themselves. Yet they falsely claim that for themselves is all good, but let there be no doubt the Hellfire awaits them; they will be the first to be sent there. 63 By God, We sent messengers to communities before you, but Satan made their deeds look attractive to them, so today he is their Guardian, and for them will be painful punishment. 64 We revealed the Book so you can explain to them what they differed about; it’s a guide that is beneficial for believers. 65 God sends rain from the sky to revive the Earth after its death; in that is a sign for those who listen. M : T 66 You have a lesson in livestock, We gave you a drink from inside their bellies – it is from between the bowels and blood – pure milk, healthy nourishment for its drinkers. 67 And you make juice from the fruits of dates and grapes, delicious and nourishing; in this is a sign for those who understand. 68 Your Lord gave the bee an instinct to build hives in the mountains, the trees and buildings, inspiring her: 69 “Eat the nectar from different fruits and follow the ways of your Lord humbly.” Then from its belly comes a syrup of different colours in which there is a healing for people, it is a sign for those who think. 5 T 70 God created you and will let you die; some of you will turn back to frail old age, when all they once knew they won’t know it anymore. God is the Knower and Powerful. 71 He gave some more provisions than others, those given more are unwilling to share their provisions with their slaves, in case they become their equals. How can they deny the gifts of God? 72 God made for you spouses from your own kind, and from them gave you