The Majestic Quran

sons and grandchildren and provided you nourishing sustenance. How can they accept falsehood and deny God’s gifts? W 73 They worship helpless idols instead of God that can’t provide them with any provisions from Heaven or the Earth. 74 So don’t make images of God; God knows but you don’t know. 75 God gives you an example: a slave who is the helpless property of his master, and on the other hand a man blessed with gifts from which he gives in charity secretly and openly. Are they equal? All praise is for God, but most don’t recognise. 76 God gives you another example of two men; one of them is dumb, helpless and a burden to his master. Whatever task he sets him, he fails miserably; can he be equal to the man who commands justice and is on the straight path? 77 God knows the secret of the Heavens and the Earth. The coming of the Hour of Judgement will be as quick as the glance of an ey e 6 or quicker, and God is in command of all things. 78 God brought you out from your mothers’ wombs not knowing anything, and then gave you hearing, sight and a mind so you may be thankful. G ’ , , 79 Haven’t they seen birds flying in the sky? It is God Who keeps them afloat ; in this are signs for true believers. 80 God made for you homes to live in, and from the skins of animals you make tents that are light for you to carry about when travelling and camping, and from their wool, fur and hair you make furnishings that last for years. 81 God made shade to protect you from what He has created, like the places of shelter in the hillsides, and made for you clothes that protect you from heat, and armour that protects you in battle. God gave you His gifts so that you might submit to Him. 82 But if they turn away, your job is only to deliver the clear message. 83 They know God’s blessings but fail to recognise them, most of them are ungrateful. O J D 84 We will pick a witness from each community that Day; the disbelievers won’t be allowed to plead ignorance nor to repent. 85 When the wrongdoers see the punishment, they will realise that it will not be lightened, nor will they be given respite. 86 When the idolaters see their