The Majestic Quran

47 The day when We clear away the mountains, you will see the Earth spread out as a vast plain, and We shall gather the dead; no one will be left out. 48 They will be presented before your Lord in rows, it will be said, “You have come to Us as We created you the first time; you thought We wouldn’t fulfil Our promise.” 49 When the recor d 32 will be laid out before them, the sinners will be frightened of what they see in it, and they will say, “Woe to us, what kind of record is this that doesn’t leave out anything small or big, it records everything.” They will find everything they had ever done in front of them. And your Lord is not unjust to anyone. S 50 And remember when We said to the Angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” they prostrated, though Satan, who was from the Jinns, did not. He disobeyed his Lord’s order. So, are you going to take him and his followers as your friends beside Me, yet they are your enemies? What a wretched alternative have the wrongdoers chosen! 51 I didn’t make them witnesses at the time of creation of the Heavens and Earth, nor in their own creation. I don’t take as helpers those who misguide others. 52 On the Day He will say, “Call upon those who you thought were My partners,” they will not answer them. We will place between them an unbridgeable gulf . 33 53 When the sinners see the Fire they will be convinced they are falling into it, and they will find no other place to turn to. H 54 We have explained all sorts of lessons for people’s benefit in this Quran, but humans are quarrelsome creatures . 55 What stops people from believing and seeking the forgiveness of their Lord when the guidance has come to them? Are they waiting for the same fate as the earlier generations? Or for the punishment to be brought right in front of them? 56 The messengers were sent to give good news and a warning; the disbelievers disputed using false arguments to weaken the truth, and they mocked My verses and warnings. T 57 Who is more unjust than the one who is reminded of his Lord’s verses and turns away from them? Forgetting what he is sending ahead of him. We have locked their minds: they cannot understand. We made them hard of hearing, so when you call them to the guidance, they will never be