The Majestic Quran

he will not have sinned, nor will anyone who delays his departure have sinned, so long as he is mindful of God . Be mindful of God, and know that you will be gathered before Him. T 204 There is a type of person whose speech will please you, and he even calls on God as a witness to what is in his heart, yet he is the bitterest of opponents. 205 As soon as he turns away, he makes mischief in the land, destroying crops and cattl e 39 . God detests mischief. 206 When he is told: “Fear God!” His pride leads him to sin. Hell will be enough for him. A dreadful place. T : G 207 Yet there is another type of person who would give away his life to gain God’s pleasure; God is Compassionate to His servants. 208 Believers, submit and dedicate fully, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan; he is your sworn enemy. 209 If you should turn back after clear signs have come to you, then know that God is the Almighty and the Wise. 210 What are they waiting for? God and the angels to come down in the shade of the clouds? By then, their fate will have been sealed. In the end, all matters will return to God. S 211 Ask the Israelites how many clear signs We gave them. Anyone who exchanges a gift of God for something else after it has been granted to him, beware ; God is severe in His punishment. 212 The worldly life is attractive for the disbelievers; they may mock some believers now , but the pious will rise above them on Judgement Day. God will provide abundantly to those who He wishes. G 213 Humanity was once a single nation. Then God sent prophets, who brought good news and warnings, and He sent with them the Book containing the truth, providing rulings to help people solve their differences. This was due to the rivalry that arose from differences of interpretation after clear signs had come to the People of The Book . However, God, by His authority, guided the believers to the truth