The Majestic Quran
in your right hand, it will swallow up what they have made. They performed magicians’ tricks, and the magicians are never successful in what they do.” 70 So the magicians fell in prostration saying, “We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses.” P 71 The Pharaoh said, “You have believed him before I gave you permission, so he must be your mentor who taught you magic. I’ll cut off your hands and your feet from the opposite sides, and hang you on the trunks of palm trees, so you will know whose punishment is more severe and everlasting.” 72 They replied, “We will never prefer you, we saw the clear proofs of the One who created us, so decide what you will, and the most you can do is end our worldly life. 52 7 3 We have believed in Our Lord, may He forgive us our mistakes and the magic that you have forced us to practice. God is the Best and the Everlasting.” 74 Whoever comes to His Lord sinning, for him is Hell where he will neither die nor live. 75 On the other hand, whoever comes to Him believing and doing righteous deeds, they shall have a lofty place. 76 They will live in Gardens of Eternity, with streams flowing beneath them. Such is the reward of those who purify themselves. M I E 77 We revealed to Moses: “Take our servants by night and make a dry way for them across the sea, and don’t fear being caught, nor be worried.” 78 The Pharaoh and his army followed them, and they were besieged and covered up by the sea. 79 The Pharaoh misled his people, and he didn’t guide them. 80 Israelites! We saved you from your enemy and We made a contract with you on the right-hand side of the mountain, and We sent down to you Manna and quails . 53 81 Eat from the wholesome food We gave you, but don’t overstep the limits. Otherwise, I shall be angry with you, and anyone who suffers my anger, falls. 82 However , I am Forgiving for anyone who repents, believes, does righteous deeds and remains on the straight path. I 83 “Moses, why have you come hastily ahead of your followers?” 54 84 He said, “They are coming behind me, I rushed to please you My Lord.” 85