The Majestic Quran

Paradise. Adam forgot his Lord’s command and failed . 59 122 Then your Lord forgave him, chose him and guided him. 123 God said, “Get down from here, all of you as enemies of one another. If guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance will not be misguided nor be miserable.” R G H 124 Anyone who turns away from My remembrance will live a difficult life and We shall raise him up blind on Judgement Day. 125 He will say, “My Lord, why did you raise me up blind, I was sighted in the world? ” 126 He will say, “That’s because Our signs came to you and you forgot them; likewise, you are forgotten today.” 127 This is how We deal with those who wasted the opportunity , and didn’t believe in their Lord’s signs. The punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and everlasting. 128 The fact that We destroyed many generations before them, whose houses they used to walk around, should be a source of guidance for them; in this are signs for the understanding. 129 If it wasn’t for the previous verdict from your Lord, the inevitable would have happened. But there is a fixed time for it . T 130 So be patient with what they say, and glorify your Lord with praise before sunrise and sunset, and during the night, and at the ends of the day, so you may be happy. 131 Don’t look with envy at what We gave them to enjoy from life’s worldly luxuries; it’s Our way of testing them, and your Lord’s sustenance is better and everlasting. 132 Teach your family to pray and perform it yourself as well. We don’t ask you for provision, actually, We provide for you, and a good outcome is a result of righteousness. T Q , 133 They said, “Why didn’t he bring a book from His Lord? Hasn’t a clear sign already come to them in former books of revelation?” 134 Had We destroyed them with a punishment before this they would say, “Our Lord, why did you not send a messenger to us? We would have followed your revelation, so we wouldn’t be disgraced and put to shame.” 135 Say: “Each one of us is waiting, so you wait as well; soon you will know those who were on the straight path and rightly guided.”