The Majestic Quran

wrath destroyed their detractors. For example, the prayer of Prophet Jonah from inside the whale: “There is no god except You; glory be to You, I was wrong. We saved him and rescued him from distress, and that is how We rescue the believers” (87–88). The conclusion: “This is your community, a single united community. I am your Lord, so worship Me. Unfortunately, people tore the unity of their religion; all will be returning to Us” (92–93). The chapter ends with a delightful description of Paradise, and the happiness of believers. Perhaps the crowning verse of the chapter is: “We sent you as Kindness for all the worlds” (107). What a tribute for the blessed Messenger r ! How wonderfully God boosted the morale of beloved Muhammad r . In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. D H 1 The time of reckoning for humanity is drawing closer, yet they turn away thoughtlessly. 2 Whenever a new revelation from your Lord comes to them they listen to it playfully, 3 their hearts distracted by worldly activities . In private the evildoers say, “Isn’t he just a man like you? Are you going to follow the magic of Muhammad with your eyes open?” 4 The Prophet said, “My Lord knows every word spoken in the Heavens and the Earth; He is the Listener, the Knower.” 5 They replied, “These are just confused dreams; he’s made them up. In fact, he’s a poet, so let him bring us a miracle like the prophets of the past brought.” D P r 6 The communities We destroyed before them didn’t believe either, so will they now believe? 7 We sent Revelation to communities in the past; if you don’t know this ask the people of the Scripture. 8 We didn’t make their bodies to live on Earth forever, nor could they survive without food. 9 We fulfilled Our promise and saved those who We wanted, and destroyed