The Majestic Quran

God knows whatever exists in the sky and on Earth? All is recorded in a Book, that’s easy for God. T - 71 They worship beside God things for which no authority has been revealed, nor do they have knowledge. Consequently , such wrongdoers shall have no helper. 72 Whenever you recite Our clear verses to them, you can recognise disapproval on the disbelievers’ faces, to the extent that they are almost violent towards those who recite Our verses to them. Say: “Shall I inform you of something even worse? The Fire which God has promised those who disbelieve. A wretched destination!” A 73 People, here is an example, so listen to it carefully : the idols you worship beside God can’t create a fly, even if they all got together to do so. In fact, if a fly were to snatch something from them , they would be unable to take it back. How weak are both the devotee and the object of devotion ! 18 74 They fail to accord God the power that He deserves. God is Strong, Mighty. 75 God chooses messengers from among the angels and humans; God is Hearing, Seeing. 76 He knows their past, and future deeds, and eventually all affairs return to God. S G 77 Believers, bow down and prostrate in worship of your Lord, and do good so you may succeed. 78 Strive for the sake of God to do what is right , as much as He deserves. He chose you and placed no hardship in the religion . 19 It is the way of worship of your father Abraham. Long ago he named you “Muslims”, as in this Quran , so that the Messenger might stand witness against you if you strayed , and that you might stand witness against humanity ’s vices . So perform the prayer, give Zakat and hold firmly to faith in God your Protector. How excellent a Protector, and how excellent a Helper!