The Majestic Quran

the right to take them back during this period, if they wish to be reconciled. Women too have rights and responsibilities in equal measure, according to the custom. However, men have an additional degree of rights and responsibilities over them. God is The Almighty, The Wise. W 229 A revokable divorce may be pronounced twice only; after that a wife must either be kept honourably or allowed to leave honourably. It is not lawful for you husbands to take back anything that you have given them, except when both parties fear that they may not be able to live within God’s boundaries. However, if, after attempting reconciliation , you believe that the couple may not be able to live within the bounds set by God, then there will be no blame on either if the woman chooses to give back part of her settlement. These are God’s boundaries, so do not overstep them. Only the wrongdoers overstep God’s boundaries. T 230 If the husband divorces her a third time ; she will no longer be lawful for him to remarry until she marries another husband. Then, if the second husband divorces her, there will be no blame on either of them to return to each other, provided they feel confident that they will keep within God’s boundaries. These are God’s boundaries which He has explained for people who understand. D ’ 231 When you divorce women, and they reach the end of the waiting period, either keep them honourably or allow them to leave honourably. Don’t hold on to them to cause harm or to transgress God’s boundaries; whoever does so has wronged himself. Do not play with the commands of God. Remember His favours on you and what He has revealed to you of the Book and wisdom, through which He teaches you. So be mindful of God, and know that He is the Knower. 232 When you divorce women, and they reach the end of the waiting period, do not prevent them remarrying their former husbands, if they choose to do so by mutual consent and according to the custom. Anyone who sincerely believes in God and the Last Day is instructed to do this. This is a purer and cleaner way for you by far. God knows that which you don’t know. A