The Majestic Quran
faces, leaving them grinning like skulls . 105 “Were My verses not recited to you,” they will be asked , “and you rejected them.” 106 They will say, “Our Lord, misfortune overwhelmed us, and so we went astray. 107 Our Lord, get us out of here; if we return to acting sinfully , we shall only be wronging ourselves .” 108 God will say, “May you be driven ever deeper into the Fire . Don’t speak to Me. T 109 There was once a group of My servants who used to say, ‘Our Lord, we believe; forgive us and be kind to us, for You are the most Kind.’ 110 However, you took them as a laughing stock, your laughing at them made you forget My remembrance. 111 This day I shall reward them for their patience. They are the victors.” 112 God will ask, “How long did you live on Earth?” 113 They will say, “We spent a day or so. Ask those who keep count.” 114 God will say, “You spent but a short while, if only you knew.” C : H 115 Did you reckon We created you without a purpose and you wouldn’t be returned to Us? 116 God is the exalted, the True King! There is no god beside Him, Lord of the Honoured Throne. 117 Anyone who worships another god for which he has no proof, His Lord will bring him to account. The disbelievers shall never succeed. 118 And, Messenger, say: “My Lord, forgive and be kind, for You are the Most Kind.”