The Majestic Quran
permission is given; and if you are told, “Go back!” Then go back: that is the best course of action for you. God knows well what you do. 29 You can enter without permission a non-residential plac e 31 that provides you amenities, God knows well what you reveal and what you conceal. M 30 Tell believing men to lower their gaze and be modest ; 32 that is the best for them. God is aware of what they do. 31 And tell believing women to lower their gaze and be modest; they shouldn’t expose their beauty in public , except what is normally showing; and cover their bosoms with headscarves ; 33 they should only display beauty to their husbands, fathers, fathers-in-law, sons, stepsons, brothers, brothers’ sons, sisters’ sons, female servants, slaves, any male attendants who are free of sexual desire, and children who are indifferent to the sight of women’s private parts; and they shouldn’t stamp their feet to draw attention to the beauty which they hide beneath their clothes . Believers, turn to God, all of you, so you may be successful here and the Hereafter . E 32 Help the unmarried people amongst you to marry, and your righteous male servants and maids. Even if they are poor, God will make them self- sufficient through His grace. God is Vast, All-Knowing. 33 And let those who lack the means to marry keep themselves chaste until God makes them self-sufficient through His grace. If any of your slaves asks for an emancipation contract, and you see some good in them, draft it for them; and give them of the wealth that God has given you. For your cravings to make worldly gains do not force your maidservants into promiscuity, if they wish to remain chaste, merely because you desire what this worldly life has to offer. Whoever forces them into it , then God will be Forgiving, Kind to those maidservants after being coerced to perform sexual intercourse . 34 We sent down to you clarifying verses and an example of those who passed away before you, as well as teachings for those who are mindful of God . G ’ 35 God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. An example of His Light is a niche in which there is a lamp; the lamp glowing in a glass; the glass bright like a brilliant shining star, fuelled from a blessed olive tree, neither