The Majestic Quran

proof?” 31 He said, “Then fetch it, if you are telling the truth.” 32 So Moses threw down his stick, and straightaway it turned into a wriggling snake; 33 then he drew out his hand from his cloak , and it appeared to the onlookers brilliant white. P 34 Pharaoh said to the nobles around him, “This man is an expert magician, 35 who wants to expel you from your land with his magic. So, what do you suggest?” 36 They said, “Put him and his brother off for a while, and send marshals to the cities 37 to bring you every expert magician of ours .” 38 So the magicians gathered for a tournament on an appointed day; 39 and people were asked: “Will you be gathering for the tournament ?” 40 They replied , “We’ll follow the magicians, if they win.” 41 When the magicians arrived, they asked Pharaoh: “Will we be rewarded, if we win?” 42 ”Yes,” he said, “Then you’ll be among my close ones.” T 43 Moses said to the magicians , “Cast whatever spells you have.” 44 So they threw down their ropes and sticks, saying, “By Pharaoh’s might, we are surely the winners.” 45 Then Moses threw down his staff, and at once it swallowed up their trickery. 46 The magicians fell in prostration, 47 saying, “We believe in the Lord of the worlds, 48 the Lord of Moses and Aaron.” 49 Pharaoh said, “You’ve believed him before I granted you permission? He must be your tutor, who taught you magic, but you will learn your lesson. I will cut off your hands and your feet from the opposite sides and crucify the lot of you.” 50 They said, “it doesn’t matter ! 2 We shall be returning to our Lord. 51 We hope Our Lord will forgive our mistakes, since we were the first believers.” M I E 52 We revealed to Moses: “Set off with My servants at night, no doubt you will be chased.” 53 Pharaoh sent word to the cities for his soldiers to muster, 54 saying , “These Israelites are a tiny ragbag bunch 55 who have enraged us, 56 while we are a united force, well trained and equipped.” 57 So it was We brought them out of gardens and springs, 58 and treasures and comfortable homes. 59 That is how it was, and later We caused the Israelites to inherit it. 3