The Majestic Quran

32. As-Sajdah The Prostration This chapter was revealed in the middle Makkan period, when debates raged about three key beliefs of Islam: oneness of God, Tawhid ; prophethood, Risalah ; and the Hereafter, Akhirah . The three beliefs are interconnected and arguments for one support the other. The chapter opens with a confident assertion that refutes the disbeliever’s objection that Muhammad r fabricated his message: “The revelation of the Book is, without a doubt, from the Lord of the worlds” (2). It is a universal message that is not confined to the Arabian Peninsula, but will eventually reach every corner of the globe. The central theme is: God the Supreme Ruler, the Absolute Governor and Commander has full control. The Quran warns the disbelievers about the punishment to be meted out to them, not only in the Hereafter but in this life. When they see Hellfire they will believe, but it will be too late then. Similarly, the unimaginable delights awaiting the believers are highlighted to motivate people: “No one knows what blissful delights have been set aside for them as a reward for what they did” (17). Finally, the Prophet r is told that he and Moses are alike: both are receivers of Divine Revelation. The chapter returns to the repeated theme of the confrontation between truth and falsehood, and compares the glorious Quran with life-giving rain; the latter gives life to dry, parched land. Similarly, the Quran gives life to dead hearts, and the dry minds. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring.