The Majestic Quran

36. Ya Seen Ya Seen This is an early Makkan chapter, revealed at a time of severe tension between the Muslims and the idolaters. The Prophet r called it, “The heart of the Quran.” Its central theme is convincing arguments for the doctrines of Tawhid , Risalah and Akhirah . Reading Chapter Ya Seen in times of hardship calms the nerves and reassures one, restores health in sickness and at the time of death eases the pain of death. It opens by reassuring the Messenger r of the importance of his role in guiding humanity, and laments the history of human disobedience. The story of three messengers, who were rejected by the people of the town, is told to warn the Makkans; the chief reason identified for their disbelief is arrogance, which they expressed as stubborn behaviour. The brave supporter in the story, who stands up for the messengers, symbolises the small band of Muslims in Makkah, thereby reassuring them of Divine Help. The Makkans are warned of dire consequences of the denial of truth: “Haven’t they considered how many generations We destroyed before them?” (31). The second section of the chapter describes God’s amazing creative power, and invites the reader to reflect on creation: a marvel of incredible complexity and beauty. Attention is drawn to the lifeless Earth and how it comes to life after it rains, producing lush vegetation. The lesson is God will bring the dead to life. A description of Judgement Day follows: The Trumpet is blown, justice done; evidence of one’s good and bad deeds won’t only come from records kept by the angels, but human limbs will speak.