The Majestic Quran
T E ; 33 A proof of the Resurrection for them is the dead Earth. How We give it life and make it produce cereals, which they eat, 34 and here and there We have grown palm groves and vineyards and caused fresh water springs to flow, 35 so they might eat its fruit even though they had no hand in making it . 8 Won’t they be grateful? 36 Glory be to Him who created every variety of living things in pairs from the Earth: humans themselves, and others which they still don’t know . 9 T , ; 37 Another sign for them is the night, from which We gradually peel the daylight away, and there they are in pitch darkness; 38 the sun travels in its orbit that is precisely determined by the Almighty, the Knower. 10 39 Similarly the moon, We determined its phases from full moon to crescent that is slim as a dry date-stalk. 40 The sun can’t overtake the moon, nor the night outpace the day; all are floating in their fixed orbits. 41 Another sign for them is the story of their forefathers who We carried in the heavily- laden ship, 11 42 and We created for them similar modes of transport which they ride. 43 If We wanted We could drown them, and they will have no help, nor will they be saved, 44 unless – that is – We show kindness and give brief respite. D : 45 When they are told: “Be careful about your past and future deeds to deserve kind treatment.” 46 They turn away from every sign of their Lord that comes to them. 47 When they are told: “Spend what God has provided you,” the disbelievers say to the believers, “Why should we feed someone who God could have fed, if He wanted? You are clearly misguided.” 48 And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled , if you are telling the truth?” 49 What they are waiting for is a Blast that will seize them while they argue among themselves. 50 Then they won’t be able to make a will or return to their families. T T : J 51 The Trumpet will be blown, and they will emerge from their graves, rushing to their Lord, 52 saying: “Woe to us! Who woke us up from our