The Majestic Quran

You are the Giver of gifts. 9 Our Lord, You will gather people on for a day in which there is no doubt.” God never breaks His promise. W 10 As for the disbelievers, their wealth and their children will not benefit them in the least against God; they will be fuel of the Fire, 11 just like the people of Pharaoh and those before them who denied Our signs, so God punished them for their sins. God is severe in punishment. 12 Tell the disbelievers: “You will soon be defeated and be herded into Hell.” What a miserable place of rest! 13 A sign for you was the meeting at Badr ; one army fought in the path of God, and the others were disbelievers, they saw the Muslims as twice as many as themselves. God strengthens with His help anyone He pleases; for those of insight, it had a lesson. W P 14 People’s love of worldly pleasures has been made attractive to them: women, children, heaps of gold and silver, well-bred horses, animals and farmland, such are delights of this worldly life, but God has the best place of return. 15 Say: “Shall I tell you of something far better than these? To those who are mindful, their Lord will give them gardens beneath which rivers flow where they will live forever, and pure spouses and the pleasure of God.” God watches over His servants 16 who pray , “Our Lord, we believe, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of Hellfire,” 17 they are patient, truthful, obedient, charitable, and seek forgiveness at dawn. 18 God bears witness that there is no god beside Him, as do the angels and those whose knowledge is used to uphold fairness; there is no god but Him, the Almighty, the Wise. R W G 19 Islam is the only religion acceptable to God. Those given the Book began to disagree amongst themselves out of sheer rebelliousness after knowledge had come to them. Whoever denies God’s signs, let him remember that God is swift in settling accounts. 20 If they argue with you, then say, “I have submitted myself to God, as have those who follow me”, then ask those given the Book and the Arabs without any scripture: “Have you submitted to God ?” If they submit to God , they will be guided, but if they turn away, you will have done your job of delivering the message. God watches over His servants.