The Majestic Quran

booty among themselves, things in trust will be misused, the Zakah will be regarded as a tax, knowledge will be learnt for worldly purposes, a husband obedient to wife but disobedient to his mother; a person will be closer to his friend than father; mosques will be noisy places; wicked persons will be leaders; people will be respected to escape their harm; singers will be popular; alcohol common; people will curse ancestors; storms and Earthquakes common” (Tirmidhi). The hypocrites were a group who were confused, unsure and disliked the new community of believers. Their malicious plots, attitudes and disgraceful behaviour is exposed. They were cynical about the Prophet r and terrified of fighting for the truth. The Prophet r is warned about them and they are identified for him, so he was made aware of them, but he did not name or shame, until after the Battle of Tabuk in the eighth year of Hijra. Just as the chapter opened by highlighting the human tendency to war, it closes by encouraging the faithful to be ever-vigilant, willing and prepared to defend themselves against tyranny. This is a costly business, so they are urged to spend in the path of God to defend their rights. Miserliness, selfishness and self-centredness is sternly condemned. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. B 1 The works of the disbelievers - who obstruct people from accepting God’s religion - are wasted, 2 but the believers who are righteous and convinced of the truth revealed to Muhammad from His Lord, will be forgiven their sins, and God will improve their current situation. 3 This is because the disbelievers follow falsehood and the believers follow their Lord’s truth. This is how God presents examples for people.