The Majestic Quran

guided on the straight path. 21 Many other victories await you are not yet capable of, but God has control over them; God has power over all things. G ’ 22 Had the disbelievers fought you, they would have turned their backs and fled , then they would have found no protector and helper. 23 This was God’s practice in the past; truth will succeed and you will never find God’s practice changing. 24 He stopped them attacking you, and you from attacking them, in the valley of Makkah after giving you capability to conquer them. God sees all you do. 25 The disbelievers stopped you from entering the Sacred Mosque, and your sacrificial animals from reaching their place of sacrifice. If it were not for the believing men and women in Makkah – about whom you were unaware – you may have trampled them, thereby unwittingly incurring guilt . 10 So God may admit in to His kindness who He pleases. Had the believers separated themselves from the Makkans then We would have severely punished the disbelievers. T M ’ 26 While stubborn disdain filled the disbelievers’ hearts, their superiority complex, God gave inner peace to His Messenger and the believers, and made them firm in the word of God-consciousness , 11 which they rightly deserved and were worthy of it. God knows all things. T P ’ r 27 God fulfilled His Messenger’s true dream; by the Will of God, you will enter the Sacred Mosque in peace with your heads shaven or hair trimmed, fearing no one. You don’t know what he knows; soon beside this you will have a near victory . 12 28 He sent His Messenger with guidance and a true religion to override all religions. And God is a sufficient witness. T 29 Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and those with him are tough with the disbelievers and caring among themselves; you will see them bowing and prostrating, seeking the grace of God and His pleasure. They bear marks on their faces, an effect of their prostration. These qualities of theirs are mentioned in the Torah and the Gospels; they are like a seed from which a shoot sprouts. He strengthens it so it rises stout and stands straight on its stem. The sower loves it, but the disbelievers become enraged. God