The Majestic Quran

49. Al-Hujurat The Living Quarters This Madinan chapter was revealed in the ninth year of Hijra, following two events: a delegation of new Muslims from the Bedouin tribe of Bani Tamim visited the Prophet r , they called out to him from outside his living room. The chapter disapproved of their behaviour, and laid out simple rules for respecting the leader. The second event concerned the misinformation given to the Prophet r by one of the Zakat collectors about the tribe of Bani Mustalaq (verses 6–8). He wrongly informed the Messenger r that the tribe was unwilling to pay the Zakat. However, upon investigation, this turned out to be untrue. This kind of behaviour was condemned. This chapter is also called the “chapter of morals and manners,” since it offers moral guidance for living in the community: how to develop trust and overcome suspicions. In verse 13, the unity of humanity is stressed, uprooting any kind of discrimination based on colour, creed and caste. It points out our common origin: Adam and Eve. It teaches that honour and nobility is achieved through being God-conscious, mindful of Him, and having a strong character. This is the foundation that creates equality and fairness in a society. It is these values that lead to peace and trust among people. The last passage of the chapter returns to the ill-mannered Bedouins, and seeks to clarify the difference between true faith and mere ritual formalities of religion, urging them to acknowledge God’s favour. Faith is a special favour of God. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring.