The Majestic Quran
end of the day, deny it; this way, the believers may give up their faith .” 73 And they say: “Only believe in those who follow your religion.” Say: “God’s guidance is the only guidance to rely on that has been given to like . So why do they dispute with you before your Lord?” Say: “All grace is in God’s hand, to give to anyone who wants it. God is Vast, the Knower. 74 He selects for His kindness anyone He pleases.” God is Most Gracious, the Almighty. W G ’ 75 Among the People of The Book are those who, if you entrust them with a heap of gold, they will return it to you. But there are others who, if you entrust them with a single gold coin, they will not return it to you unless you stand over them until they give it back ; this is because they claim, “We are under no contract when it comes to non-Jews, ” 57 and in this way they knowingly tell lies against God. 76 Not so! Whoever fulfils his pledge and is mindful let him know that God loves the mindful. 77 Those who sell God’s contract and their own vows in return for a small sum of money will have no share in the Hereafter. God will not speak to them nor look at them nor purify them on Judgement Day, instead they will have a painful punishment. 78 Some of them twist their tongues when reciting from the Book to make you think it is from the Book, even though it forms no part of the Book, and they say: “This is from God,” even though it is not from God, and they knowingly tell lies against God. H 79 It is inconceivable for a man who has been given the Book, authority and prophethood by God to then tell people: “Worship me instead of God.” Rather he will say, “Be godly, seeing as you used to teach the Book and study it.” 80 Likewise he would never command you to adopt the angels and prophets as lords. Would he command you to disbelieve after you have submitted yourselves to the Will of God ? T P 81 Remember the time when God took a pledge from all the prophets, saying, “Whatever I give you of the Book and wisdom, and later the final messenger comes to you confirming what you have, then you must believe in him and lend him your support . 58 ” They were then asked , “Do you affirm and accept my pledge as it is?” They replied, “We do.” So, God