The Majestic Quran

53. An-Najm The Star This chapter was revealed in the late Makkan period. When the Messenger r recited this chapter to the Quraysh near the Kaaba, they were mesmerised by its tempo and fell in prostration. The chapter opens by rejecting the Quraysh’s allegation that the Messenger r was misguided. According to the commentators verses 1-18 are descriptions of the Messenger’s r vertical phase of the ascension. The Messenger r goes beyond the celestial realm into the Divine presence, he r is honoured, he r sees the Divine Majesty. Detailed narratives of the ascension are found in Hadith books. The Messenger r said, “One night I was asleep, in the Haram near the Kaaba, I was woken by Gabriel, he informed me of the Divine plan and took me to the well of Zam Zam, and opened my chest and filled it with wisdom and faith. Afterwards a beautiful Buraq was presented: an animal larger than a mule but smaller than a horse. I mounted it. Soon the Messenger r was at the Masjid al- Aqsa in Jerusalem. Here prophets were eagerly waiting for him. He led them in congregational prayer. This marked the end of the horizontal part of the journey. From here, accompanied by Gabriel, the Messenger r travelled on the Buraq ascending the heavens. In the first heaven, He met Adam; in the second Jesus and John; in the third Joseph; the fourth Enoch; in the fifth Aaron; and in the sixth Moses; and in the seventh Abraham. The journey continued beyond the heavens until He reached the Bait al-Mamur - The Kaaba of the Angels, from where He r ascended to the Lote tree ( Sidratul Muntaha ) of the uttermost boundary. Chapter An-Najm describes