The Majestic Quran

57. Al-Hadid The Iron This Madinan chapter was revealed in the year 629 ce, before the victory of Makkah. The previous chapter divided humanity into three groups: the companions of the right hand, companions of the left hand, and the foremost. The central theme of this chapter is encouragement to become the foremost, achieving higher status and nearness of God through spending in God’s path. The chapter outlines the importance and the rewards of charity. Wealth has been granted as a trust; it is natural that we should spend it in God’s way. It demonstrates a person’s faith in God, and acknowledgment of His kindness. Charity is a mark of faith, it is likened to giving loan to God. In the Hereafter, charity will be the light that will lead the believers into Paradise. Charity givers are given the honorific titles of the “truthful” and the “martyrs”. Next the issue of the hypocrites, those in two minds, an uncharitable bunch neither with Muslims nor with non-Muslims; neither here nor there. Believers are challenged: “Hasn’t the time come for the believers, that their hearts humbly submit to God’s remembrance and the revealed truth?” (16) The sense of urgency imparted by this verse encourages the giving of charity without delay. A major hindrance to giving in charity is love of the world, so the next section describes the fleeting and short-lived nature of worldly life, and cautions: don’t be tempted by the world. The image used to describe the fleeting nature of life is that of a plant; it grows, dries, and withers away becoming dry stubble. Similarly, human life has its blossoming period, a vibrant youth, old age, a time of decline and finally death.