The Majestic Quran

11 Who will give God a beautiful loan so that He may multiply it for him, and reward him generously? 12 On that Day you will see believing men and women with their lights shining ahead of them, and on their right- hand side. Believers! Here is good news for you today: a home in Paradise with streams running beneath it, where you will live forever. This is the supreme victory. 13 That Day, hypocrite men and women will ask the believers, “Wait a moment, let us benefit from your light.” They will be told, “Go back and get the light.” Then a wall with a gate will be put up between the believers and them. Inside the wall is divine benevolence and comfort, outside is pain and suffering. T 14 The hypocrites will then call to the believers : “Weren’t we with you?” “ Yes , but you succumbed to your temptations, you were hesitant to believe, full of doubts, and you were deceived by false hopes until the Divine Command came. The deceiver deceived you! 15 Today, no ransom will be accepted from you or from the disbelievers. Your home will be the Hellfire; that will be your residence, and a wretched destination.” L H 16 Hasn’t the time come for the believers, that their hearts submit humbly to God’s remembrance and the revealed truth? Don’t be like the ancients, who were given the Scripture, and with passing of time their hearts hardened; they were mostly lawbreakers. 17 Know, God gave life to Earth when it was lifeless, that’s how We explain for you the signs, so you may understand. C 18 Men and women who gave charity as a beautiful loan to God will have it multiplied for them, and will be generously rewarded by God. 19 The believers in God and His messenger are the truthful and the martyrs in the Sight of God . 13 They will have a special reward and a light. The deniers of Our Scripture are the people of Hell. T - 20 You should know, the worldly life is a sport and an amusement, an attraction, showing off among yourselves and wanting more wealth and children. The rain is an illustration of it; the farmer delights in the rapid