The Majestic Quran
growth of his crops, then they dry and he sees them turning yellow, then turn into dry stubble. In the Hereafter there will be severe punishment for the disbelievers, but for the believers forgiveness and His Divine pleasure. The life of this world is a provision that deceives. 21 Therefore, compete with each other for Your Lord’s forgiveness and Paradise, its breadth is like the breadth of the Heavens and the Earth, prepared for the believers of God and His messengers. That’s God’s grace; He gives it to who He pleases. And God is the Most Gracious. B 22 Any disaster on Earth or to yourselves is written down before it happens; this is easy for God. 23 Its purpose: to ensure you don’t become hopeless because of your loss, nor boast about your gain. God doesn’t like the show-offs, 24 or those who are miserly and tell others to be miserly. If anyone turns away, remember God is Self-Sufficient, deserving of all Praise. 25 We sent our messengers with clear proofs, the Book, and Scales of Justice so people may establish justice. We sent down iron; a strong metal with many benefits for people, to see who uses this to help God and His messengers, without seeing Him . Indeed, God is the Strong, Almighty. T C - 26 We sent Noah and Abraham, and blessed their children with prophethood and the Book; some of them were guided, but most were lawbreakers. 27 We sent more messengers in their footsteps, including Jesus son of Mary, to whom We gave the Gospel. We filled his follower’s hearts with compassion, and they invented self-denial , 14 which We hadn’t prescribed for them. They invented this to seek God’s pleasure, but failed to fulfil its requirements. Those who believed, We rewarded them, but many were lawbreakers. D 28 Believers, be mindful of God and believe in His Messenger, so you are given a double share of His Kindness. He will offer you a light to walk in, and forgiveness. God is the Forgiving, the Caring. 29 Let the People of The Book know, they don’t control God’s grace, that’s in God’s hand; He gives it to anyone He wants. God’s grace is vast. 1 “Two risings and settings” refers to the rising of the Sun and the Moon.