The Majestic Quran

59. Al-Hashr The Gathering of the Forces This Madinan chapter was revealed after the Battle of Uhud, in the fourth year after Hijra. The central theme is the expulsion of the tribe of Banu al-Nadir from their fortresses, in the south of the city. Historians believe the Jewish tribes settled in Madinah after the sacking of Jerusalem in 587 bc by Ebenezer. The two Arab tribes of Aws and Khazraj are thought to have moved to Madinah centuries later, following a flood in Yemen. When the Messenger r arrived in Madinah, he created a bond of brotherhood between the Arab tribes, through their faith in Islam. The Treaty of Madinah was also made with the three Jewish tribes of Banu al-Nadir, Qaynuqa and Quraza: The aim was to create a single community of believers but allowing for the differences between the two religions. Muslims and Jews were to have equal status ... In case of war against them they must all fight as one people ... There was no express stipulation that the Jews should formally recognise Muhammad r as the Messenger of God, though he was referred to as such throughout the document. 4 The Jews welcomed this new arrangement, which guaranteed them peace. However, some elders found this treaty frustrating, and took every opportunity to create discord among the two communities. They were joined in their intrigues and conspiracies by Abdullah ibn Ubayy, the leader of the hypocrites in Madinah. A Muslim woman selling her goods at the market was insulted by a Jewish goldsmith. A young Muslim stood up for her and in the scuffle that ensued he killed the offender. Rather than referring the