The Majestic Quran

66. At-Tahrim The Prohibition This Madinan chapter was revealed in the eighth year of Hijra. There are differing reports surrounding the circumstances of its revelation. The most likely is the following story: One day, Zainab, the wife of the Prophet r , offered him some honey. She knew he was very fond of it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. As a consequence, he spent extra time with her. Later that night, he r met Aisha, who felt upset and complained that his breath smelled of Maghafir , a wild tree on which bees feed. The Prophet r was disappointed, and promised to refrain from eating honey, and that they should keep this a secret. However, Aisha disclosed it to Hafsah. Whatever the circumstances here, the Quran teaches five general principles: not to make unlawful that which God has made lawful; how to amend and atone for vows; not to betray trusts and give away secrets; the whole family should work together to save themselves from the Hellfire; and seeking repentance for sins committed intentionally or unintentionally. The solution given for the human condition of sinning is “ Taubatan Nasuhan ” (8) – sincere and genuine repentance. This means regretting the sin, feeling ashamed of it, resolving not to repeat it, and then asking for God’s forgiveness. The wives of the Prophet r are gently reprimanded here for this marital tiff, a petty quarrel. They are asked to be more caring and considerate towards each other. There is possibly a warning implied in the mention of the wives of two other prophets, Noah and Lot : if they are to be disobedient and unmindful of God and the Messenger r , they will be the losers like those two women.