The Majestic Quran
Then look once more; your sight will come back weary and fatigued. 5 We decorated the lowest sky with stars , 1 and made them projectiles hurled at the devils. We have prepared the punishment of Blazing Hell for them. T ’ M 6 The disbelievers of the Lord will have the punishment of Hell, a miserable home! 7 When they are thrown into it, they will hear roaring as Hell boils bubbling noisily, 8 about to explode with rage. Every group thrown into it will be asked by its guards: “Didn’t any warner come to you?” 9 They will say, “Yes, a warner came to us, but we denied and told them, ‘God hasn’t revealed anything, you are grossly misguided’.” 10 They will regretfully reply, “If only we had listened or understood the Message, we wouldn’t be among the companions of Blazing Hell.” 11 So they will confess their sins; away with the companions of Blazing Hell. 12 The people who feared their Lord without seeing Him will be forgiven, and have a great reward. G ’ 13 Whether you hide your words or make them public, He is the Knower of what is in your innermost thoughts. 14 Does He not know who He created? He is the Subtle, the Aware. 15 He made the Earth accessible for you, so you could travel through its vast expanses, and eat from His provision, and before Him you will be gathered, alive. 16 Do you feel safe from the One in the Heaven that He wouldn’t command the Earth to swallow you up when it shakes violently? 17 Or do you feel safe from the One in the Heaven that He wouldn’t send a sandstorm to destroy you? Then you will soon know the seriousness of My Warning! 18 Those before them also denied, so how terrible My Condemnation! A D 19 Have they not seen the birds flying over their heads arranged in rows, flapping their wings in harmony? It is the Most Kind Who holds them there; indeed He sees all things. 20 Which forces beside the Most Kind can possibly help you? The disbelievers are only deceived. 21 Who can give you provision if He withholds His provision? Unfortunately, they persist in their arrogance and hostility. 22 Who is more guided: the one who walks grovelling, looking down and falls flat on his face, or the one who walks upright on a straight path? 23 Say: “He created you and made hearing,