The Majestic Quran

69. Al-Haqqah The Reality The core teaching of the Majestic Quran is: Hereafter is the reality, and worldly life is a mere shadow of it. The physical world is the apparent, and the underlying reality is the Hereafter. Some have translated the title of this chapter as the inevitable hour, referring to the Final Hour. The Quran, in its inimitable style, presents it as “here and now”. The central theme of the chapter is the question: what is the reality of human life? The chapter is a direct challenge to human materialist tendencies, and invites the reader to consider the horrors and reckoning of Judgment Day. By offering examples of previous disobedient communities, the Quran warns the neglectful and belligerent Makkans that it would be wise to accept the reality. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. T H 1 The ultimate reality – 2 what is the ultimate reality? 3 What could explain to you what is the ultimate reality? 4 The people of Thamud and Ad both denied that the striking blow would ever happen. 5 The people of Thamud, they were destroyed by the thunderous storm. 6 And as for the people of Ad, they were destroyed by a violent and furious cold wind, 7 which He forced against them for seven nights and eight days in succession. So you would have seen the people therein dead, lying prostrate as if they were like the hollow trunks of palm trees. 8 Do you see their remains t oday ? 9 Then the Pharaoh and those before him brought habitual sin from the overturned cities , 6 committed great sin. 10 So they disobeyed the Messenger of their Lord, and He seized them with a punishment. 11 When the floodwater rose high, We carried you in the sailing ship 12 to make it a lasting reminder for you, and so attentive ears may understand it.