The Majestic Quran

70. Al-Maʿarij The Stairways to Heaven This chapter was revealed in the middle Makkan period, and its central theme is criticism of the Makkan sceptics who wanted punishment to come sooner. According to Ibn Kathir, the Messenger r once warned a Makkan storyteller, Nadhr ibn Harith, of the punishment of Hell. He mockingly demanded, “Why don’t you bring a sandstorm that will destroy us?” The chapter was revealed in response to his tactless demand. The chapter opens with a critical reprimand of the questioner who makes such a foolish request. It reminds him of God’s Power, Majesty and the stairways leading to the Heavens that can take people to their spiritual heights. The section vividly captures the terrifying moments of the end of time: the sky turning red, mountains hanging like fluffed tufts of wool, and the Day when everyone will be anxious. The next section praises the person who accepts Judgement Day; he is described as a dutiful worshipper who has a good moral character. He cares for others, spends generously, and controls his sexual appetite. The final section questions why disbelievers are unable to believe in the Creator, and gives a stern warning. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring T 1 A sceptical questioner demanded a punishment to fall 2 upon the disbelievers; nothing can ward it off once it comes 3 from God, the Lord of the spiritual stairways to the Heavens, 4 by which the angels and the Noble Spirit ascend to Him on a Day with a time-span of fifty thousand years. 5