The Majestic Quran

72. Al-Jinn Jinn According to Ibn ‘Abbas, a group of jinn visited the Prophet r after he returned from his journey to Taif, in which case, the chapter was revealed in the tenth or eleventh year of his mission in Makkah. The central theme is challenging the stubbornness and disbelief of the Quraysh. By telling the story of a group of jinn who believed in the Messenger r , the Quraysh are made to feel jealous of them. The chapter presented a direct report from the mouth of a jinn accepting faith in the Messenger r and the Revelation, whilst the materialistic disbelievers think the Quran is merely poetry, or the words of a soothsayer or madman. It also reassured the Messenger r of the truthfulness of his message, building his confidence and self-esteem, so that he isn’t upset. The jinn are an invisible and intelligent creation of God, made from smokeless fire, a high-energy form. Like humans, they can be either believers or disbelievers. The chapter outlines some of their characteristics, and some similarities and differences to human beings. It reveals their amazement and surprise at the inability of Makkans to believe in the Majestic Quran. Finally, it shows the humility of the Messenger r who proclaims: “I have no control over harming or benefiting you” (21). God is protective of His messengers by providing them with guardians, who look after them all the time. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. A