The Majestic Quran

93. Ad-Duha The Morning Brightness This is an early Makkan chapter. According to Suyuti, there was a short period when the revelation stopped and the Messenger r did not preach, prompting the Makkans to say mockingly, “Your Satan has deserted you.” The Messenger r was upset, and the chapter was revealed to reassure him. To cope with this stressful personal experience, he is given a four-point strategy to overcome stress and sorrow: get rid of negative thoughts, be determined that you will succeed, recall your past successes and set yourself clear targets. The basic message it contains is an amazing force field of energy, which can heal our anxieties. Furthermore, it gives a snapshot of the orphan life of the Messenger r , his dire poverty, deep spiritual experience, and marriage with a wonderful lady, Khadija the Great. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. O G ’ P 1 By the brightness of mid-morning, 2 by the night’s darkness. 3 Your Lord hasn’t deserted you, nor is He displeased with you. 4 Your future will be better than the past. 5 And your Lord will give you so much that you will be well-pleased. P 6 Didn’t He find you an orphan and shelter you? 7 Didn’t He find you absorbed in Divine love, and guide you? 8 And didn’t He find you needy and made you prosperous? 9 So, don’t be harsh with the orphan, 10 nor chase away the beggar, 11 and speak positively about the gifts of your Lord.