The Majestic Quran

108. Al-Kawthar The Abundance This is a Makkan chapter. When the Prophet r lost both of his baby sons, Qasim and Abdullah, the Qurayshi leaders, including Abu Lahab, were jubilant and called the Prophet Abtar : a pejorative term meaning cut off, i.e. sonless. In other words, the taunt was that the Prophet r had no surviving male heirs, therefore his mission and campaign would come to end with his demise. The Messenger r was naturally hurt by these callous comments, so God consoled His beloved Messenger r and promised him abundant success, bliss and never-ending Divine favours. The Kawthar, abundance could be his beautiful qualities, masses and masses of followers and the lake of sweet water on Judgement Day. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. T P ; 1 We gave everything in abundance to you, 2 so, pray to your Lord and make a sacrifice. 3 Your enemy will be finished, cut off . 2