The Majestic Quran
bequest or debt, if the bequest is not detrimental . 3 This is a command from God. God is the Knower, the Gentle. T G ’ 13 These are the boundaries set by God. Anyone who obeys God and His Messenger will have gardens beneath which rivers flow, living in them forever; that is a great victory. 14 Anyone who disobeys God and His Messenger and oversteps His boundaries will be cast into Fire, remaining in a humiliating punishment forever. P 15 If any of your women commit adultery, and there is testimony of four men against them, then keep them under house arrest until death, or else God provides another way out for them. 16 Likewise, if a man and a woman commit adultery among you, punish them both. However, if they repent and reform themselves, then leave them alone. God is the Relenting, Kind . 4 W ? 17 Those who do wrong ignorantly then repent immediately can expect God to accept their repentance, and God will relent towards them. God is the Knower, Wise. 18 There is no repentance for those who keep on doing evil deeds until death is near, then they say: “Now I repent,” nor for those who die as disbelievers. For such We’ve prepared a painful punishment. M 19 Believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will, 5 nor to prevent them from marrying so that you may make off with part of what you have given them, that is unless they have committed a clear act of gross indecency. Live with them in a good way. If you hate them, it may be that you hate something in which God has placed much goodness. 20 If you wish to change one wife for another wife after having given the former heap of gold, do not withhold anything from it. Would you invent a slanderous accusation and an open sin to take it from her ? 21 How could you possibly take it after having enjoyed intimacy with each other? They took a solemn pledge from you. W