The Majestic Quran
116 On the Day of Judgement, God will say: “Jesus son of Mary, did you tell people, ‘Take me and my mother as two gods besides God’?” He will say: “Glory be to you! How could I say something that I had no right to say, had I said it, You would know. You know what’s in my innermost being, and I don’t know what is in Yours. You are the Knower of the unseen realms. 117 I only told them what You commanded me to say: ‘Worship God, my Lord and Your Lord,’ I was a witness all the time I lived amidst them. Then, when You took me to Yourself, it was You Who were the Guardian over them. You Witness everything. 118 If You punish them, they’re Your servants, and if You forgive them, You are the Almighty, Wise.” 119 God said, “This day the truth of the truthful will benefit them; they will be in gardens under which rivers flow, living there forever. God is well pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him.” That is the glorious victory. 120 Control of the Heavens, the Earth, and whatever lies within them belongs to God, and He has power over all things.