The Majestic Quran

52. At-Tur The Mountain This is a late Makkan chapter that emphatically provides evidence from both nature and human history for the truthfulness of Islamic beliefs: the Oneness of God, the messengership of Muhammad r , and Resurrection. It opens with five powerful oaths as witnesses of the message of the Prophet r , and threatens the disbelievers of Makkah, warning them of the consequences of their persistent denials: “Your Lord’s punishment will certainly come to pass” (7), followed by a description of the luxuries of Paradise. Verse 21 lends some credence to a common proverb: you reap what you sow. “Each person is answerable for his deeds”. However, a concession is made for righteous people: their faithful children will join them in Paradise, despite not being as righteous as their parents. This is followed by a passage that poses ten challenging questions. These range from challenging the mistaken notion about the Prophet r being a poet and soothsayer, to the question of who holds the treasures of God. The Quran masterly asks tag questions: Questions at the end of a statement in a way that invites agreement. By asking several questions in a row, where the reader gets used to answering in agreement, so this makes it easy for them to agree to the next suggestion or order. The chapter concludes: the Makkans are a stubborn bunch of people, intolerant and close-minded. The Prophet r is urged to continue his mission despite their rejection and hostility: “Therefore wait patiently for your Lord’s judgement; you are always in Our Eyes, and glorify and praise your Lord whenever you stand for the prayer ” (48).