The Majestic Quran

99. Al-Zilzal The Earthquake This is an early Madinan chapter, its central theme is accountability on the Day of Resurrection. The chapter opens with the advent of the Day of Resurrection, marked by a devastating Earthquake that will flatten the Earth; mountains will turn into rubble, and the seas will surge and merge as described elsewhere. However, the focus in this chapter is the Earth, and what it will reveal of its history. The mindless human will spend his life without a thought for the Hereafter, indulging in evil. The chapter reminds him that on Judgement Day, he must stand before his Lord and give an account. The chapter carries you into the future, inspiring and exciting you. In the name of God, the Kind, the Caring. T D J 1 When the Earth is shaken violently, 2 it will throw up its burden; 3 people will ask, “What’s the matter with her?” 4 That Day, it will tell all its news, 5 inspired by her Lord. 6 That Day, people will come separately in groups to be shown their deeds. 7 So, anyone who did an atom’s weight of good will see it. 8 And anyone who did an atom’s weight of evil will see it too .